Privacy Policy

MethylPro™ is committed to ensuring your privacy. MethylPro™ respects the privacy of the visitors to our online site and will only collect personally identifiable data, such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address when it is voluntarily submitted to us at this website. All information submitted during registration or payment is kept private – we do not sell or exchange names or any other information with third parties. The MethylPro™ website contains links to other sites on the Internet. MethylPro™ does not control and is not responsible for the privacy, user practices or content of other such websites.


Any information gathered by the organization from its website users or partners is stored on encrypted servers that are kept in a physically secure environment with strict policies that minimize staff access to the information contained therein. This privacy policy focuses on registrants and customers and sets forth the privacy principles of which follows respect to collection, usage and transfer of Personal Information.


MethylPro™ will not disclose or share Personal Information collected on its Website with any third party, except as required by law and/or pursuant to a governmental request, or as necessary to provide services to support its software solutions. For example, MethylPro™ may pass Personal Information to its business partners necessary to process online/ecommerce payments. The MethylPro™ never has, and never will, use information collected by its clients via its system for any purposes other than those specifically designated by its clients.


Aggregate Data
MethylPro™ may share reports with third parties based on aggregated data of it's users ("Aggregated User Data"). Aggregated User Data does not include any Personal Information about users and is aggregated for the purposes of determining successful application benchmarks and other similar activities.


MethylPro™ has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of information under its control. MethylPro™ protects secure data with industry-standard firewall and password protection security systems. MethylPro™ periodically reviews and improves its security and privacy policies as necessary. Only pre-authorized individuals have access to the MethylPro™ servers and information provided by its users.


MethylPro™ will conduct compliance audits of its relevant privacy practices to verify adherence to this Privacy Policy and the US Department of Commerce Safe Harbor Principles.


Please note that no data transmission over the Internet is infallible. Any information transmitted through the application is done at the user's own risk. Once the system receives the information, it will take every reasonable precaution to ensure its security.


MethylPro™ reserves the right to alter and/or revise its privacy policies. Any changes made to this policy will be posted on this page of the MethylPro™ website. Please refer to the website periodically to familiarize yourself with any policy changes. It is the user's responsibility to review these policies.


If you do not wish to receive email or other correspondence from MethylPro™ in the future or wish to correct or change any information, please contact MethylPro™ at the email below . Please be sure to provide MethylPro™ with your exact email, fax number, phone number or mailing address.


Email MethylPro™

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